Democrats from all over the Lowcountry came to participate
in Progressive Healthcare Movie Night in North Charleston
on August 20th, the forum and the movie were well attended. The movie shown was called "DAMAGED CARE" a musical comedy
about healthcare reform. The panel after was moderated by Dr. James Spears. Panel members Patrick C. Labbe, a Hospice
RN and chairperson of the Dorchester Progressive Democrats, and Ed Faircloth, a Charleston filmmaker and community activist
discussed the film and healthcare reform. The 100 or so people in attendance then were able to comment and debate. The debate
was civil and positive. Pictures and more details can be found at Healthcare Movie Night .

At the Olde North Charleston Picture House, the need for health care reform
was only too evident. Edward Faircloth's poignant film, Charleston Health Care Stories Documentary gave graphic evidence
of the need as people shared their stories of the health care choices necessary with limited resources. Ed not ony put together
a splendid film, but also gave an excellent presentation of his experiences as he collected the stories. Later, along with
Patrick Labbe, a progressive Democrat from Dorchester County, he commented on a second farcical presentation that likewise
documented the need for reform. It was a great event organized by William Hamilton. Mr. Hamilton’s efforts brought people
from all over the county to both see the films and discuss and participate in the lively discussion that followed.
Thank you William, Ed, and Patrick for your good work. Everyone in attendance
got the message and though the solutions suggested varied, the recognition of the need was unanimous: We need reform.
-- George E. Tempel, Ph.D