Images Mt. Pleasant Town Election forum sponsored by the East Cooper
Democrats, with captions. A full house and a serious, civil discussion about the future of the Town.

Carole Benson Chairperson |
Healthcare – where are
we – 65-70% of the US wants a single payer system according to the NY Times and
we are still debating having a public option. June’s Public Citizen’s
Health Letter, on the validity of Comparative Effectiveness Research, stated “Americans receive appropriate care only
55% of the time.” But these and other facts don’t seem to matter. Talk
about bowing to the lobbyists!
In speaking with others, the
question of why can’t the Democrats get together like the Republican’s did under Bush, I realized the simple fact
is under Bush they were supporting legislation their campaign contributors i.e. lobbyists, wanted. We are asking our Democratic Representatives to go against what their campaign contributors want. Bowing to the lobbyists and money! I
admire Jim Clyburn (come to the forum tomorrow – Saturday) for standing up for US the voters.
We need to remind them that
we are the voters – no matter how much money they get from the Health Care Industry we still matter! The following is from a email from the Obama group.
It lays it out the action for us to take now! Please
contact our Congressmen and attend Saturday and show Jim Clyburn we support his position on a public option. And if you are like me let him know some of us want Medicare for All.
The behind-the-scenes committee negotiations
aren't front-page news, but the lobbyists trying to block reform are following every detail, and they won't miss a day. If
the final plan is to uphold President Obama's principles of reduced costs, guaranteed choice -- including a robust public
insurance option -- and quality care for all, your voice must be heard.
Please call your representatives right now
and ask them to support President Obama's three principles for real health care reform. Our records show that you live in
South Carolina's 1st congressional district. Please call:
Rep. Henry Brown at 202-225-3176 Senior
Senator Lindsey Graham at 202-224-5972 Junior Senator Jim DeMint at 202-224-6121
These calls are an easy but powerful
way to make a difference. Just tell whoever answers the phone that you're a constituent (mention what city you're calling
from), and that you're counting on your representative to support real health care reform, which must:
Reduce costs
Guarantee a choice
of plans and doctors -- including the choice of a robust public insurance option
Ensure quality, affordable care for
every American
The opponents of real reform have
deep pockets and insider access, and they're holding nothing back in their drive to derail progress before the plans go public.
call, right now, can help remind your representatives that the American people are counting on them to stand up to the special
interests and deliver the comprehensive reform we so desperately need.
East Cooper Democrats:
Values and Vision
Our world is an integrated system with each of us contributing
and dependent upon the actions and success of others. No person is an island!
The East Cooper Democrats’ values
are built on:
E quality,
C ommunity,
We celebrate our one community, one world
with a vision and mission to defend American DEMOCRACY.
D iversity celebrating each other’s unique backgrounds and strengths,
conomic responsibility, a balanced budget built on responsible spending,
ilitary strength, founded on the principles of peace,
pportunity for all, with equal rights, education, and responsibilities,
ommunity recognizing our country is only as strong as it’s weakest link, we are our brother and sisters keepers,
espect for everyone, recognizing each of us is an important member of our community,
ction to create a government responsive to the needs of it’s citizens and make the world a better place,
ompassion for all, using our God given abilities to be caring and kind towards others,
Y ou – You together is what builds a great country. We believe in President
John F. Kennedy’s words, “ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country.”
We honor our country’s vision as
established by our forefathers in the Declaration of Independence.
We hold these truths
to be self-evident, that all men (and women) are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable
Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
We support the mission of our country
as stated in the Constitution.
We the people of
the United States, to form a more perfect Union establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense,
promote the general welfare, and secure the Blessing of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity…
And we reaffirm our commitment to one
nation when we say Pledge of Allegiance.
One nation, under
God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
1st Thursday,
Charleston County Democratic Women, for information contact Linda Krogh at 881-6532
1st Friday, Liberal Libations, Crave’s, 1968 Riviera Dr, Target Shopping
Center, IOP Connector and Rifle Range Rd., for information contact Carole at 843.216.3797 or
1st Saturday,
East Cooper Democrats Breakfast Meeting, Gullah Cuisine 1717 US 17N, Mount Pleasant, (843) 881-9076, $7/person for scrambled
eggs, grits, ham, coffee/tea and juice, for information and reservations contact Anne Owens 729-8040 or
Wednesday’s, Charleston County Democrats, North Charleston City Hall, 4900 LaCross, 6:30 pm contact George Temple 795-7857
Wednesday’s East Cooper Democrats, Olive Branch AME Church Annex (on rte 17 and old Mathis Ferry Rd intersection) 6:30
pm contact Carole Benson 216-3797 or
Saturdays, 10
am – 1pm, Grassroots Call To Action Group, Alchemy Coffee, 11 Magnolia Road, Avondale bizdist, Charleston 29407 - parking
lot with easy access behind Alchemy, back door entrance Contact: Shea Onofrey, 843.810.0088 – or
Click here for: East Cooper Democrats Web Page