Be Involved.
Be Responsible for Electing Democrats in 2010.
Join a Team.
Legislative Action Network
This group will focus on educating citizens on the issues of importance to
Democrats (e.g. early voting, health care reform, energy renewal, education) and taking appropriate action.
Community Action Network
This group will focus on reaching out to the community and through its actions
foster our core Democratic principles.
Political Operations
This group is at the heart of the political processes that develop precinct
leaders, recruit and support candidates, manage data, get out the vote for elections, fundraise to support political goals,
and build communication
Precinct Leadership Team: This committee
uses its expert knowledge to learn votebuilder, pre-election and Election Day strategies, and organizational skills and passes
them on to candidates and regional and precinct leaders.
Fundraising Team: This committee works
with the Leadership Committee to set financial goals based on routine and GOTV expenses, leads the finance drive, creates
ideas for fundraising strategies and events, and ensures the financial well being of the Charleston Democratic Party.
Candidate Recruitment & Support Team: This committee identifies, recruits, and promotes qualified candidates for all Democratic elected
Program and Outreach Team: This committee plans programs for the regular Executive Committee meetings,
facilitates communication between elected officials and the party on the issues, and takes steps to plan outreach activities
for Democrats to get together outside of business meetings and bring new Democrats into the organization.
Website and Public Relations Team: This committee keeps the website up to
date and seeks opportunities to promote party activities and issues via other media.
Data Management Team: This committee keeps up to date databases of contact information for elected officials, candidates,
precinct leaders, volunteers, and donors. This may also includes resources for candidates including returns from previous
elections, lists of community organizations, precinct and district maps, etc.
GOTV (Get out the Vote Team: This committee puts the "get the vote" strategies and plans in place to turn out the vote and win elections.