Charleston County Democratic Party

Volunteer: by Mail

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Healthcare Reform
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Charleston County Democratic Women
East Cooper Democrats
The Lighter Side
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Donate: Blue Bucks
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Volunteer Today!
Dear Friends,
It was an exciting campaign as we worked together to elect responsible Democratic candicates.  One of our slogans was, "Yes, we can".  On November 4th, in a historic election, we showed we can, electing not only a visionary who will change the way government does business, but also local leaders who will help accomplish this.  

A special thank you to all of our volunteers.  It was amazing to see how eagerly you learned new techniques, staffed the headquarters, and worked to get out the vote.  The excitement generated by this election cycle gives us hope that we can build a strong Democratic presence in Charleston and extend that to South Carolina.  

Our party needs energetic volunteers! 



    Home Phone:

   Cell Phone:



What is the best way to contact you?


My special talent is:________________________________

I am available to help:

(please check)

___Weekdays 10am-2pm       ___Saturday 11am-6pm 

___Weekdays 2pm-6pm         ___Sunday 2pm-6pm   

___Weeknights 6pm-9pm



Return to: George Tempel, Executive Chair

PO Box 21422     Charleston, SC 29413




Food for Thought

A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining, but wants it back the minute it begins to rain." -Mark Twain

( To see coverage of the Progressive Democrats of America's National Grassroots Leadership Conference, go to Cleveland Blog: PDA Leadership Conference )

Oldest Living Democrat in South Carolina
103 year old Edna Gordon of Estill, SC



4925 LaCross Road 
 North Charleston
 Phone:  843-577-6000
Please volunteer to help us staff the office.  

FACEBOOK. Join our page.


Charleston County Democratic Party
PO Box 21422
Charleston, SC 29413
(843) 577-6000

BECOME A BLUE BUCK. You can make a monthly recurring donation and support the Charleston County Democratic Party's efforts to win elections.

Be A Volunteer...we need you!!!!

Contact Chairman George Tempel

Contact WebMaster

Designed and Maintained by Labbe Consultants

2010/08/13 17:01

Last updated on 8/13/2010, 5:01:36 PM